How can I look at past days of webhook logs?
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
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I understand that the zoom app webhook logs are kept for seven days, but our volume of webhook events make it impractical to view more than the past few minutes of calls through the web UI at App Marketplace. I’m trying to investigate an issue that happened days ago. Is there a method through which those logs are available to export/download? Is there an API method to get them that I’m missing? Thanks!
Thanks, Gianni. I didn’t go into enough detail about what I was trying to do. We don’t send to the webhooks to a db, per se, but we do keep logs of the requests, including the data, going back quite a ways. What I’m trying to do is match up our data with what’s in the call logs on the zoom side. From an answer I received in a separate post/ticket, it looks like what I’m asking for doesn’t exist.