Waiting for review for a long time!

Hi there,

We are really having difficulties during submission process.

Added extra permission and one extra domain at Aug 23 and still waiting for a single comment.

Each comment comes with another question and takes 3 days.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 22.55.40

If you are creating a environment for apps you need to care about their problems.

I regret to wait for a month for single update.

Please check our apps history and you will see that there is a big problem on this process!

Thanks in advance.

Hi @quizflight
Thanks for reaching out to us
Could you please share with me the name of your app so I can reach out to our Marketplace team please

Hi Elisa,

The app name is QuizFlight

Thanks in advance.

HI @quizflight
I just heard back from our Marketplace team and it looks like the team is still working on your app and they do not have an update so far.

Hi @elisa.zoom , Thanks for the update, do you think that is normal?

Still waiting and I am sure that we are waiting for a single comment on our release.

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