Webhook Reception Capability on Different Zoom Plans


We are a service provider based in Japan, offering an OAuth App that works in tandem with Zoom Phone. Our primary use of the Webhook is for phone.recording_completed.

We have confirmed that users with the Japan Unlimited Calling Plan (Professional Features, Unlimited Domestic) can receive the phone.recording_completed Webhook. Additionally, users who are included in a package with the Japan Unlimited Calling Plan also have the ability to receive this Webhook.

However, we have noticed that users who are a part of a package with Zoom Phone Basic do not seem to be able to receive the phone.recording_completed Webhook.

Given this information, we would like to know:

  1. If users who are subscribed to the Pro Plan, as listed on this page (Plans & Pricing for Zoom Phone | Zoom), can receive the phone.recording_completed Webhook.
  2. If users who are subscribed to the Pro Global Select Plan, also listed on this page (Plans & Pricing for Zoom Phone | Zoom), are able to receive the phone.recording_completed Webhook.

Any clarification or information you can provide regarding these inquiries would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Hi @m.fukuzawa ,

Did you resolve this? I recommend reaching out to the sales team for more info on what Zoom Phone Basic entails. Unfortunately, it is not listed here: Plans & Pricing for Zoom Phone | Zoom

The phone.recording_completed webhook requires a Zoom Phone Plan, but it does not define what plan level. Please let us know what Sales says :slight_smile: