Webhook to detect a scheduled meeting occurence removal

Is there any webhook to know when a scheduled meeting occurrence is removed after it’s meeting duration. Tried the meeting.updated and meeting.deleted but they are not detecting this.

Hey @elearningevolve,

What do you mean when you say “Removed”?

Can you share the use case so I can understand your question?


By “Remove” it means that when the meeting duration for a recurring meeting occurrence is passed away it is removed from the meeting list. Is there any webhook to identify when the occurrence is removed from the meeting list? The meeting.deleted webhook is not covering this scenario.

Hey @elearningevolve,

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation. We do not have a webhook for this scenario. You can add a feature request here for one: #feature-requests

What is your use case for needing this webhook?


Thanks, added the feature request! The use case is to update the meeting time to the next occurence of recurring meeting in the web application on the removal of the previous occurrence.

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Thanks @elearningevolve! :slight_smile:


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