Webinar invites


My company is an event registration tool. SimpleTix.com
We would like to us zoom webinars - and the API to create a registrant to offer a way to a paid attendee to get their own link.

Can an attendee share this link with other people? If they do, will zoom allow just 1 person into the live meeting? (e.g. if another person clicks the link it will not work - or will it kick our the current person that clicked it)

The following is MOOT if the webinar is configured to NOT require Registration

As you can see in the response from the Add Webinar Registrant API documentation, a successful response will include the join_url, which is UNIQUE to that particular Webinar Registrant.

  "registrant_id": "UInan716733nBV",
  "id": "012345678901",
  "topic": "Example Webinar Topic",
  "start_time": "1974-02-26T23:01:16.899Z",
  "join_url": "https://success.zoom.us/w/<WEBINAR_ID>?<QUERY_PARAMS>"

When you use this API successfully, and receive the join_url, NEVER share this URL with ANYONE except the exact registrant for whom the related API request was made.

@tommy please correct me if I am mistaken on the following sir…

  1. If a webinar’s Other Options --> Allow Attendees to Join from Multiple Devices is set, then the join_url can be reused by multiple different users (impersonating the registered user) on different devices.

  2. If a webinar’s Other Options --> Allow Attendees to Join from Multiple Devices is NOT set, then only one person may join the webinar as an attendee from ANY one device. Any other users are blocked from joining until the previous device/user have left the webinar.

just wanted to share with you

Looks good @media1! :slight_smile:
