Url for only my customers not public

Hi, everybody, my company has been bought your zoom API but we have only one problem that we need to make the meeting links is only for our clients who are already registered in our website not anyone can be able to join the meeting only registered in our website I KNOW THERE IS ADMIT but we need to make automatically to check if the client is registered in our database or not so automatically admitted is this available in your API meeting

Hi @alaaalrma,

We we suggest enabling Meeting Registration and then having users register on your website using the Add Meeting Registrant API. This would allow you to approve registrants who should have access to the meeting.

You may also limit access using Authentication Profiles.

You can also enable meeting registration or Authentication Profiles in the Create Meeting API.


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Thanks I will check this api

Thanks can we make this meeting url only for one use them if the user is login in meeting and try to login through another device or browsers then he will logout from the other

Hey @alaaalrma,

Please see Michael’s post here:
