Webinar Started Event is not triggered for OAuth App

I am trying to get webhook event when a webinar is started but it never happened.
I added two logs for this webhook url to check if this event actually happened or not so it is very clear to know that this doesn’t happen.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
The App Type is OAuth

Which Endpoint/s?
The endpoint is https://dev.automa8.online/callback/zoom

Screenshots (If applicable)
Here is App setting screenshot


Hey @Aevent,

Is the OAuth app installed?

Have you tried making post requests via CURL or Postman to your Event notification URL to see if it is setup properly?


Hi @tommy. Thank you for your reply.
Yes. the OAuth app is installed and I can see this on my installed app list.
and yes I tested this post request usnig Postman and it executed the expected thing.

Hey @Aevent,

Good, we are on the right track! :slight_smile:

Are you validating the request via the Verification Token on your server at all?

Also, what is the webinar ID you are trying to start?


Hi @tommy

For testing purposes, I don’t validate any requests from the Zoom.
and also I am testing this webhook by creating a new webinar on my account.
I can create a new one for you.
new webinarID : 879319833


Hey @Aevent,

Thanks for the details.

I am wondering if you have some sort of firewall in place that does not allow the requests to pass through from Zoom to your endpoint url?


Hi @tommy
Well, I don’t think there is any firewall preventing requests from Zoom.
This is just public and you can send any requests to this url


This just saves all the post data and send notification to me so it will be very clear to see if there is any coming request.


Hey @Aevent,

Can you schedule on a Zoom meeting with me today so I can help debug?



Hi @tommy
Just finished scheduling.
Thank you for your help

1 Like

You are welcome! See you soon!


Hey @Aevent,

Here are our docs relating to sending the 200 response back:



Thank you. @tommy
Actually can you please try to post to this url?

	"payload": {
		"object": {
			"id": "webinarId"

Actually this is now returning 200 as its response

Hey @Aevent,

It is just hanging for me. Nothing is being returned:

Make sure that url is publicly accessible and not on a private network / VPN.


Hi @tommy
That’s quite weird. Let me check and will let you know.

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Hi @tommy
Finally, I noticed that the problem is my server which is not publically accessible.
Thank you for taking your time helping me with this issue and sorry for making confusions with my server issue.

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No worries @Aevent! I’m glad we figured out the issue! :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have additional questions!


Hi Tommy,

We’re about to submit our app for approval. We are not wanting marketplace listing at this time, but need it to be accessible to our clients. Our platform is an enterprise level solution. So the needs to setup our app on a new user account, is quite extensive, even use of the app to verify operation is quite a bit.

In order to get approval dept proper information, I’m concerned as to what to provide. Ideally if someone could hop on a call with us, I think this would be easiest for app verification.

Thanks for your help,

Winter Valko

Hey @Aevent,

Go ahead and submit the app and @abe.queen will be in contact after.
