What is maximum time difference between meeting ended and recording completed webhooks?

The time difference between meeting.ended and recording.completed is around 12 hours. Can you please clarify on maximum time difference?
Due to this, our customer waited too long for recording to available.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

meeting.ended and recording.completed

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
After receiving meeting.ended callback, we recieved recording.ended callback after 12 hours.

Screenshots (If applicable)

{‘event’: ‘meeting.ended’, ‘payload’: {‘account_id’: ‘8SCqO9d4QlC_YYVBA2ZN8w’, ‘object’: {‘duration’: 30, ‘start_time’: ‘2021-01-25T16:42:28Z’, ‘timezone’: ‘America/Los_Angeles’, ‘end_time’: ‘2021-01-25T16:57:30Z’, ‘topic’: ‘UserFocus app installation’, ‘id’: ‘99885707997’, ‘type’: 2, ‘uuid’: ‘AFPm+09RTNCFjwSf2M+ZvQ==’, ‘host_id’: ‘Ef_yLNqRQAOdnyIcXY2kfw’}}, ‘event_ts’: 1611593850500}

{‘payload’: {‘account_id’: ‘8SCqO9d4QlC_YYVBA2ZN8w’, ‘object’: {‘uuid’: ‘AFPm+09RTNCFjwSf2M+ZvQ==’, ‘id’: 99885707997, ‘account_id’: ‘8SCqO9d4QlC_YYVBA2ZN8w’, ‘host_id’: ‘Ef_yLNqRQAOdnyIcXY2kfw’, ‘topic’: ‘app installation’, ‘type’: 2, ‘start_time’: ‘2021-01-25T16:42:28Z’, ‘timezone’: ‘America/Los_Angeles’, ‘host_email’: ‘test’, ‘duration’: 12, ‘total_size’: 41366455, ‘recording_count’: 2, ‘event_ts’: 1611594120963, ‘event’: ‘recording.completed’}

Additional context

Hey @kalyan,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. It sounds like this recording took a while to process. Due to high volume, this sounds like it was within the expected timeframe. Please see our help document that details how long cloud recordings can take to process:


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