When the user is the spotlighted video he cannot see himself in the video feed, only a black screen is shown

When the user is the spotlighted video he cannot see himself in the video feed, only a black screen is shown. But they can be seen by other participants


Which version?
1.7.8, 1.7.9, 1.7.10

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In a Zoom Meeting, ask a participant to start video
  2. Participant starts video.
  3. Spotlight participant
  4. He/She now only sees black in the main video feed but the participant can be seen by other participants


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

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Hey @cquibada,

Thanks for pointing this out. Our Web SDK engineers are investigating the issue. I will get back to you with updates. (CS-2052)

Can you share the browser type and version?


Hello @tommy,

Thanks for the update. Browser is Firefox Developer Edition 79.0b7(64-bit). But, my colleagues are also experiencing this issue and they use different browsers.

Thanks @cquibada! :slight_smile:

We are looking into this issue.


Hey @cquibada,

This will be fixed in Web SDK version 1.8.0:
