Where to get endpoint url

Hello, I’m trying to create a webhook in Intercom to send chatbot replies from Intercom to ZVA. Intercom is asking for an endpoint url but I’m not sure where to get that. Can someone please help?

hi @may.luk can you provide us with documentation? if you are looking to test webhooks, here is an example: Testing Zoom Webhooks with Svix Play - A Step-by-Step Guide

Hi Ojus! This is the doc I’m following to create a webhook in Intercom: Setting up Webhooks

It looks like to get the endpoint url for Intercom, I’ll need to build a new app in Zoom. I’m trying to follow the article you sent but I’m stuck on a couple things:

  • Under “Basic Information” where do I get the OAuth Redirect URL?
  • Under “Access” when I add a new event subscription, where do I get the “Event notification endpoint URL”? Also for Event Subscriptions, the events I’d want to track are chatbot replies but I’m not sure which of the listed event types (i.e. channel message?) will cover that, can you please clarify?

@ojus.zoom this issue has been resolved. The endpoint url I was originally asking about needed to be provided directly from our Zoom agent.

Thanks for taking a look into this anyway though!

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