"You browser does not support audio/video, please switch latest browser(Chrome/Edge/Safari/Firefox) and retry." How to solve this error

My project run in localhost but I am remove localhost and run in IP address using that time showing error “You browser does not support audio/video, please switch latest browser(Chrome/Edge/Safari/Firefox) and retry.”
please give me solution.

@mukund , could you provide me with more details on

  • SDK used,
  • version of SDK,
  • GitHub sample URL which you are using.
    Additional information such as
  • OS,
  • browser,
  • browser version
  • server used to host this on localhost

SDK: videosdk-ui-toolkit,
version of SDK: “^1.9.8”,
browser: chrome,
browser version: Version 122.0.6261.129,

I am working in the React app and adding a Zoom call, and the React app runs “http://localhost:3000” at this URL, and I am starting my project with the IP address “http://192...:3000/.” At this time, this error was showing.

It is possible to use Zoom to call any IP address project Start calling.

Hey @mukund

To use the audio/video functionality on the web, the page must provide a secure context. You can refer to this resource to configure it.


In short, the page’s protocol needs to be HTTPS, or the domain needs to be localhost.


you have to check your browser log file to see any error message related information.