Your webhook endpoint is not responsive-Issue

Dear Zoom team,

We have received an email with regard to the validation of our webhook. We have attached a screenshot of the validated webhook, However we have still received an email which suggests that it has not been validated.

Kindly help us sort this situation, as we have validated the webhook. Do let us know if we have to take any further steps to avoid any service disruption.

I am attaching below the copy of the email that we received this week.

Your webhook endpoint is not responsive, please review this email for details.
Shankar IAS
Notification URL
Your webhook endpoint failed to respond to our validation request
If your webhook endpoint fails to respond to our validation requests 2 more times, we will stop sending webhooks to your webhook endpoint until you fix the issue.
Notification URL
Your webhook endpoint failed to respond to our validation request
If your webhook endpoint fails to respond to our validation requests 2 more times, we will stop sending webhooks to your webhook endpoint until you fix the issue.
What to do next?

Review your app logs
Find the code or systems that cause the issues based on the documented webhook parameters
Revalidate endpoint URLs and submit your app for update request review
Revalidate endpoint URLs and submit your app for update request review    

Please provide a resolution for this at the earliest.

Thank you.