Zoom API configuration

Hi there,

I have been trying to use Zoom API in my app. I’m stuck in the process of getting authorization. I found on Google that I had to create an app on the Zoom marketplace. I created the OAuth app and got my secret key.

I followed the GitHub repository from Zoom, but I believe it’s too old. It says I must add a redirection URL when creating the OAuth app, but I’m not getting such an option. However, I get a redirection URL if I create a general app.

Here is what I’m looking for: I have a master account where I can add different people and create meetings for those users with different attendees and different levels of permissions.


Hi @koladiya, from what I’m reading you likely want to use server to server OAuth to make API requests on your own account. This authorization option lets you request access tokens from Zoom for your account rather than needing to handle authentication from a user.

Using this type of access token, you can make API requests to create users, then create meetings for those users.

If you are creating an app that is installed by users, then you’ll want to use a General app and standard OAuth.

Thank you so much for the clarification. It helped!

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