Zoom API integration in Servicenow

We are facing the same issue. Did you hear back anything from servicenow ?


we are still trying to get a meeting with their support and DEV team, please stand by :smile:

We got it working. Here are the INSTRUCTIONS. Basically the last part of publishing the zoom application is not needed. The Whitelist field is very important too.

Create a Zoom integration profile


Create an integration profile to track software subscriptions and optimize stale licenses for the Zoom service.

Before you begin

Role required: sam_integrator or admin

About this task

For additional information about Zoom, see Zoom Developer Documentation.


Before you create an integration profile in your ServiceNow instance, create an application in Zoom Marketplace.

Navigate to Zoom Marketplace and sign in to your account.

Click Develop > Build App .

Under Oauth Click Create button

Fill out the form as shown and click Create .

Start building a new app
Field Value
App Name ServiceNow
Intend to publish this app on Zoom Marketplace Toggled off
Choose app type Account-level app

Click Create Button

From the App Credentials page, obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the App Credentials section. You will need to copy and paste these values into your ServiceNow instance in the following steps.


Your client ID and client secret are sensitive. Do not share them.

Enter https:// instance .service-now.com/oauth_redirect.do as the Redirect URL for OAuth in the App Credentials section, where instance is the name of your ServiceNow instance.

Enter https:// instance .service-now.com in the Whitelist URL

Click the Redirect tab on the left navigation menu. Fill in Short Description , Long Description , Company Name , and All the Developer Contact Information ( Name , Email Address )

Click the Scopes tab on the left navigation menu. Add the scopes user:read:admin, user:write:admin, and report:read:admin.

Return to your ServiceNow instance and create an integration profile.

Navigate to SaaS License > Administration > Create New Profile and select the integration profile you want to create.

On the form, fill in the fields.

Integration profile record form
Field Value
Display name Name of the integration profile.
Client Id Client ID for the OAuth application created in the SaaS admin account.
Redirect url URL of the OAuth provider that you’re redirected to after authentication. This value is automatically populated.
Client secret Password associated with the client ID.
Profile type Type of integration profile. This value is automatically populated.
Analyze user activity from You can choose to start analyzing data from the current date or from up to 60 days in the past. Choosing a date in the past enables you to detect stale subscriptions without waiting in real time because you can see subscriptions that haven’t been used recently. Because choosing a date in the past increases the amount of data that is analyzed, it could take several hours for you to be able to view the results.

Click Submit .

On the integration profile, click the Get OAuth Token related link and follow the steps to get an OAuth token.


Hey @tablab1,

Thanks for sharing the solution! :slight_smile:

@venkat.sai, please see above ^
