Zoom API Pro Plan Trial

We’re building a web application where we can create 1-1 meetings for users from our application server and allow the users to join 1-1 meetings from our application front-end.

We want to use the create user API with customCreate option to create a user account for each user on our platform and then use that account to create a meeting.

The create user API however requires a pro plan. Been trying to reach out to isv@zoom.us for a trial of pro plan to see if it serves our purpose.

Alternatively could we achieve our use case by creating meetings from one admin account, that any user could join using the zoom web-sdk. (without need for admin account to start the meeting)
Currently using the zoom web-sdk we’re only able to join the meeting from the user email that has created the meeting

The backend is Node.js + Express
Frontend is React + zoom web-sdk v1.9.6

Hi @pawankumargali,

Thanks for reaching out about this. While we’re unable to offer trials for standard Zoom plans, I do still recommend reaching out to our ISV team for more details on accessing the custCreate feature. Please note that the correct contact for that team is as follows:


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