Zoom Apps Configuration
Exactly using boilerplate code found in zoomapps-advancedsample-react which is node, docker, react, express
Using the zoomapps boilerplate code to build an app. Attempted to deploy this boilerplate code on Heroku using Docker to push the images (heroku container:push frontend & heroku container:push backend), everything loads and Heroku launches both the front and backend but receive the following error message in heroku logs --tail:
at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=GET path="/api/zoomapp/proxy" host=stark-crag-98585-09de84bcd5a0.herokuapp.com request_id=ae699046-584c-42ee-9929-6d804f4b8836 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
- Can anyone propose a resolution, please?
Troubleshooting Routes
- Heroku shows that both the frontend and backend images/containers are listening.
- Heroku shows that the dynos are running. Restarting the dynos has not resolved the issue.
- All env vars have been entered.
- Research includes many hours of google search, zoom developer portal, and chatGPT with no exact match or resolution.
- Rebuilds of the images/containers about 5+ times has not resolve the issue.
- Zoom app does deploy in a zoom meeting from local server using local ngrok plus docker-compose up as instructed in the github readme for the zoomapp advanced sample.
How To Reproduce
Steps Include: (a) git clone the repo, (b) npm i, (b.1) copy and update env files in root and frontend directory, (c) docker-compose down -v, (d) docker-compose build --no-cache, (e) docker-compose up, (f) heroku create, (g) cd frontend, docker container: push frontend, (h) cd backend then docker container:push backend, (i) Heroku Resources - install Heroku Data for Redis, (j) Heroku Settings - install all env variables, (k) Heroku Resources - ensure dynos are running, (l) Heroku More View Logs - ensure frontend and backend are listening & no errors exist to prevent server from listening, (m) IDE/VS Code terminal - type in heroku logs --tail, (n) in heroku logs will see error noted above.
Image#1: Shows Docker Image Successfully Pushed for Frontend and Backend
Image#2: Shows error in heroku logs --tail
Image #3: Shows backend port listening in Heroku
Image #4: Shows frontend port listening in Heroku
Image #5: Shows heroku dynos running via terminal heroku ps command
Image #6: Shows error in Zoom when attempting to load app - assume with no web processes running that the server registers Navigation Failed with URL (and is more important than the domain scheme given no web processes running to process the URL & navigation failure)
Image #7: Shows that the zoom app does deploy from local ngrok & docker-compose up process
Image #8: Shows ngrok and docker compose running in VSCode (serving image #7 above)