Zoom Attendance Report

Hi all,

We are running a learning management system, we integrated our system with Zoom. We have some webinar courses, users need to purchase course to join in webinar. After launching a couple of webinars, we have an issue about Zoom attendance report. Basically, users will purchase course, and after purchasing course they will have a Join URL to join the webinar. We use the user’s email on our site to register user with Zoom. Users don’t know about the webinar registration URL. In recent attendance reports, we see there are some users having two emails in the report. And some emails that did not exist in our system.

For example: User A has the email user_a@gmail.com in our system, he purchased the course and join the webinar. In the attendance report, we will see
user_a@gmail (not attended)
user_a@hotmail (attended)
(these two emails are from the same person)

We still not figure out this situation. Please advise. Is there any chance that user A used different devices to join the webinar?

Hey @dangt,

It is possible they joined from a different device.

How do you know they are the same person if they are different emails?


Thanks @tommy,

This is the attendance report that we have so far https://natamail-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/dangt_nata_org/EVAyXzypk3pFsXNtAk7eAo8BrqLgzVmLVQ01gLb9vJHzhw?e=8jd8bT

As you can see, there are two records about user Kerry (the ones with highlight)

We also have non sign-in users in the end of the report.

Hey @dangt,

I see. Another thing that could have happened was if you sent out the webinar IDs and passcodes, and the user tried to join the webinar without using the link you gave them, it will prompt them to register on the spot, and maybe they used a different email.

What do you mean a non sign-in user?


Thanks @tommy,

Yeah, you are right. Users are joining our webinars by different devices. They just need to have the webinar ID, then they can join in by other devices. When users join by different devices, they will register automatically to the webinar, and join by different name and email not the one they registered in the beginning.

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Happy to help! :slight_smile:
