Zoom deleted account is stuck in GoDaddy interface integration wizard

ISSUE: I integrated Zoom through our GoDaddy customer portal- Godaddy provided a Zoom integration wizard - The original Zoom account I integrated using GoDaddy ( Meeting ID **) , I changed my mind and I decided to use bosses, (Meeting ID ****) Zoom account instead of the original one, but all mock test bookings I create, using an incognito window, keep sending me the original Personal Meeting ID **** and link, when it should be sending me Meeting ID **** and link.

I test booking I do (in an incognito) window, Zoom keeps sending me the Meeting ID **** account info, which is incorrect.

  1. I contacted GoDaddy support -was on the phone with me for an hour, and said they couldn’t do anymore, but sent me this link : ketplace.zoom.us/user/installed

  2. I removed the GoDaddy approved/installed Apps using the link Godaddy provided.

  3. I deactivated and deleted my original Zoom account,(w/ Meeting ID ****) Profile User:
    , thinking it would help.

  4. Went through the GoDaddy Zoom installation wizard again, and finally linked bosses acct (, Personal Meeting ID ****) into GoDaddy App integration interface wizard.
    ISSUE: however, when I do a mock customer booking on our website- using an incognito window, it keeps sending our mock customer bookings the original Meeting ID **** , which I deactivated that account as part of my troubleshooting steps. Zoom should be picking up Ken Henderson account, the one I am using to communicate to you currently, w/ Personal Meeting ID ****

No error message. Zoom is just stuck, in the GoDaddy App integration interface Zoom and Godaddy.
and I’m not a developer - no error messages are given

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
I don’t know

Which Endpoint/s?
I don’t know, I’m not a developer

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
You would have to be logged into my GoDaddy account to see the Zoom App. (wizard) However, you can do a “pretend” or mock booking to test. You will see it keeps plugging in the wrong Persona ID **** ) - SEE SCREENSHOT

  1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials) /
    https://execson-call.com/what-we-do#7485bff4-4f5d-441b-878f-4812840d6eb7 <-----(booking area is at bottom of that page URL)

  2. See error----------- (no error given)

Screenshots (If applicable)

  1. Mock Booking shows in yellow highlight, wrong Personal Meeting ID,

Hey @ken1,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with the Godaddy integration. I know you already tried reaching out to them, but the issue is on their end. They built this integration, and somewhere in their system have misconfigured it. Please reach out to them again with these details and this note from us, and they should be able to reset their implementation for your account. https://www.godaddy.com/help

If they come back to you saying they cannot fix it, please let us know and we will help reach out to them.


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