Zoom integration with angular sdk (angular)

Hey ,

We have this requirement where we need to run multiple rooms parallelly ( interview scheduling ), but here in this zoom sdk integration in angular as we are providing our credentials manually as host (role :1).

this.meetConfig = {
//signatureEndpoint : ‘http://localhost:4000’,
apiKey : ‘’,
apiSecret : ‘’,
meetingNumber : ‘’,
role : 1,
leaveUrl : ‘http://localhost:4200’,
userName : ‘AngularVideoCall’,
userEmail : ‘’,
passWord : ‘DU7BW2’,

Here we are unable to achieve multiple rooms at same time .Could you please walk us through what approach we need to follow so that we can generate credentials dynamically and create multiple rooms without providing any static credentials.
@will.zoom @tommy

Hey @tarun96.k,

You can run multiple meetings at once if you have multiple hosts. Does that make sense?


Ok thanks , that was helpful.

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You are welcome!

Let me know if you have additional questions! :slight_smile:


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