Zoom marketplace redirects to the landing page after clicking update button

Hello everyone!
I faced an issue. When I try to click on the update button in marketplace of our application it redirects to our landing page and doesn’t update the application. I’m not sure why it happens and how it can be fixed.

Link to the app App Marketplace


Thank you not seeing the same results can you provide a Loom video of the issue so I can see whats happening.

Regards, Kwaku

Hey, here’s a video Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom


Thank you for that same thing is happening even when I select the add option and I do not have it installed. I’m working with Engineering to figure out what is going on.

Regards, Kwaku


Thanks for your patience, so when you click the update/add button on the marketplace and you have a direct landing page option selected and not marketplace the button will direct you to the direct landing page and not use the production redirect url.

Currently because the direct landing url for your app is: https://www.lanes.ai thats where users who click that button get redirected. You can resolve this by changing the direct landing url to what you want.

Regards, Kwaku

Hello, Please see more information here: https://developers.zoom.us/docs/distribute/app-submission/controlling-who-can-add-your-app/

Regards, Kwaku

Thanks for your reply!
From what I see application won’t update after clicking on the update button in the marketplace, instead, it just redirects to the lanes.ai page. Check out the video once again. First, I’m clicking on the update button, it redirects to the lanes.ai page. Second, I’m clicking on the back button, and see that the update button is still available but I assume it shouldn’t.

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