Zoom metrics API is not having email in the response all of a sudden for few meetingids


We are using the below API since months to retrieve attendance for a zoom meeting.


We have observed a issue in few cases where email field is not present in metrics response.

I went through few other topics with same question but in this case how to validate the attendance if the user has really joined or not.


Hi Team,

Just a reminder.


Hi @sripada.pallavi1 ,

Check out our email display rules to see if this may be the case for you.

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Just wanted to let you know that we receiving email field in the JSON response for few of the user data but not for all users.

Is it something specific to users / meetings?
Please confirm.


Hi @sripada.pallavi1 ,

The conditions for when emails are returned are explained in the link shared :slight_smile:

If you believe there is a mistake, please outline why you think that may be and we can troubleshoot.

Hi @Gianni,

As per our application logic, we are triggering zoom registration API to register a user to zoom. And while making a zoom registration API, we send email address to Zoom.
Could you please confirm still why we are not able to see emails in response.

Also in this case if email id is not served in JSON response , then how can we retrieve metrics based on user , please share some insights.


Hi @sripada.pallavi1 ,

These are the reasons it may not show for that endpoint then:

I know you mentioned using the registration API to enter emails, but it sounds like these are external participants that do not fit the conditions for their emails to show via the Dashboard/Metrics endpoint

Hi @Gianni,

Based on the 2nd screenshot posted for the below point:
if the participant entered their email address into the meeting or webinar registration flow, then it will be shown for that specific meeting or webinar.

I believe this satisfies the condition. Please clarify if meant something else.

Could you also please let us know what should be solution in order to fetch metrices in this case?


Hi @sripada.pallavi1 ,

Please send the following in private message:

  • proof that this information was provided via registration
  • full request URL/params
  • screenshot of API response showing email(s) are missing
  • zm-tracking-id from response headers
  • client id
  • email address associated with app requests

Hi @sripada.pallavi1 , please check the email you provided for your support ticket I opened on your behalf (TS1260042).

Developer did not continue to respond to support engineer, but it seems that developer did indeed use the API to register the participants for their meeting, which, according to Zoom’s email display rules (linked earlier) would not qualify for the email addresses to be visible. Developer would need to follow the email display rule guidelines in order to have that information.

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