Zoom One: phone user calling plan stays with Zoom Phone Basic package (disable/re-enable zoom_phone feature)

We have “Zoom One for Education Enterprise Plus” licences for all our users (for meeting…) but only a subset of them have a phone extension and a phone number.
So we’re using the API to disable the feature “zoom_phone” when user doesn’t need anymore of it.
But when we re-enable this feature, the phone user has “Zoom Phone Basic” and we cannot update it via API


POST /phone/users/{userId}/calling_plans
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Can not assign Zoom One plan."

How To Reproduce

STEP 1 : disable zoom_phone feature for an existing phone user with Zoom one licence;

PATCH /users/:userId/settings
  "feature": {
    "zoom_phone": false

STEP2: re-enable zoom_phone feature for a user with Zoom one licence:

PATCH /users/:userId/settings
  "feature": {
    "zoom_phone": true

STEP3: Assign calling plans Zoom one:

POST /phone/users/:userId/calling_plans
  "calling_plans": [
      "type": 844010

Hi @maxime.peccoux , check out the following thread as it sounds like the behavior you’re seeing:

Hi Gianni,

Thank you for the reference, I had already read it before to post my message.

The main difference in my case is: the user is not in the pending tab.

To summarize:
1/ my user has a Zoom one licence assigned in the Zoom Phone tab with a phone number
2/ we remove the associated phone number
3/ we disable the feature: zoom_phone on this user
4/ The user disappear in the Zoom Phone Assigned, and he’s not in the pending tab
5/ we re-enable the the feature: zoom_phone on this user
6/ the user is in Zoom Phone Assigned, with Zoom phone basic licence and we can’t change it via GUI or API

Hi @maxime.peccoux ,
I have the same issue like you. I am not in pending list and having issue when I try to post a calling plan…
It says - Can not assign Zoom One plan.

Did you find a resolution for this?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @swapna.cheguri @maxime.peccoux , just messaged you both directly.