Zoom Poll Fill In the Blanks Response is incorrect


i have created the Zoom poll question type fill in the blanks, and I am getting unexpected responses from the API, Could someone please help me with this?
sharing the response below :

[id] => 91055066866
[uuid] => g77i5K33RaOSXC+fqqBBug==
[start_time] => 2024-03-19T11:36:21Z
[questions] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[name] => melimu 016
[email] => melimu016@gmail.com
[question_details] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[question] => Who are you?
[answer] => evFMHd3kS5-fYXPF8xyMMg:Test 001;Jhpz4gJ8TuWYGLdlOuguGQ:Test 002;1E48aOqnQz6dOht4szHqBw:Test 003;5mbKuUnoTR2_8D8qApn-0w:Test 004
[polling_id] => q4TezqIlT7GlAWfC0_AVRw
[date_time] => 2024-03-19 11:38:22

                        [1] => stdClass Object
                                [question] => Who are you?
                                [answer] => Test Meet 01014Test Meet 01014Test Meet 01014Test Meet 01014Test Meet 01014Test Meet 01014
                                [polling_id] => H6Tx-htNTZ2wdQ2bBR2jAQ
                                [date_time] => 2024-03-19 11:38:53

                        [2] => stdClass Object
                                [question] => Capital of India is
                                [answer] => China
                                [polling_id] => Xo3DfMcZSPi3_0gcLOqkeQ
                                [date_time] => 2024-03-19 11:39:12


                [first_name] => melimu
                [last_name] => 016

