Zoom Security Review Approximated Time

Hi, our app’s name is AI NOTE GENIUS, we recently passed the functional review and are in the security review,
just want to gauge how much approximated time is required for this process too. So that we can inform all the relevant stakeholders, there seem to be no certain guidelines specific to this.
Please let us know.


Security reviews are based on several factors but depending on the complexity of your app, scopes used, and possible vulnerabilities, if the team does not have to go back and forth with you best case scenario would be under 1 to 2 weeks.

@kwaku.nyante and for clarification is there some email etc from which we can contact the security team or not?

Also 2 weeks is the total estimated time for the process but we can hear back from them at earliest too if any more information is required.


We never said it was an expected 2-week review process. The functional review goes on until you complete the process. We have responded every time you submitted since you made your first submission in February within out 72-hour SLA. We cannot force you to correct all the things we ask you to correct, but if you did your app would be approved already.

Please see here for more information about our review time: Requesting App Review Status Updates on the Devforum and also provides information on how to request updates.

You can reach out to the marketplace security team here: Marketplace.security@zoom.us and state your case.

Regards, Kwaku

I think whoever told you the whole process would take 2 weeks might have been referring to a perfect submission that has everything resolved and gets sent straight to security review which rarely happens.

Regards, Kwaku

thanks for providing the email,

also there has been some sort of miscommunication from our end, We are aware of the functional review and our highly thankful to you guys cooperating with us on that .

We were just asking particular to the security review to get a general understanding and ETA of specific security review basically.


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