Zoom Video Outlook Plugin Issues

Hello, wanted to point out two problems with the Zoom Video plugin that some people might not know if you are using Outlook.

  1. If you have an email with several people with Zoom Video internally and hit the Reply with Meeting button it will immediately send a meeting invite to everyone showing a meeting will start very soon (internal employees).
  2. Secondly, if you create a new meeting inside of Outlook, add a recipient, and then add Zoom Meeting - before you send the invite out from Outlook, the recipients will get a zoom video meeting notification that meeting will start soon if you did not change the time beforehand.

It seems to only happen for internal users.

This has caused confusion among our employees when a meeting is happening. The big one being, that Reply with a Meeting. In order to solve problem 2 of unchecking the box for online meeting, it will cause problem number 1 to be an issue because it will auto add the zoom video meeting.

Ultimately, if Zoom Video did not auto add the meeting to the calendar before the end sure can send the meeting invite email then the problem will be solved. Until then, this will be an issue for Zoom Video to use and troubleshoot. I created a ticket for this problem but was not really reviewed by the ticket person - just advise on how to create a meeting from Outlook with Zoom Video.