Zoom Video SDK usage and compliance

I would like to integrate the Zoom Video SDK to my multi-tenant web applications . My users consists of teachers and students, so that is not an internal application in the sense that they are not employees of the company.
I am wondering if there is any restriction in this scenario, because i know that for the Meeting SDK, some usage of the SDK qualifies as "Third-party " and requires an ISV partnership to guarantee the compliance with Zoom terms of uses.
Is the Video SDK subject to this kind of considerations and can we use it within a multi-tenant app without having to be an ISV partner ?
Kind regards,

@luca_del ,

Video SDK has a different licensing, and based on what you have mentioned, it is not subjected to the requirement to be an ISV partner.

Yes, you can use Video SDK as a multi-tenant app without being an ISV partner.

Thank you @chunsiong.zoom :slight_smile: That is pretty clear