Base the from and to filter fields in meeting APIs on the meeting end time

I want to filter meetings based on the end_time of the meeting.

Meetings appear in the meeting report ( /report/users/{userId}/meetings ) only once they are completed.
The from and to fields filter based on the start_time of the meeting.
This means that if I want to find a meeting that started on 23:50:00 and ended on 00:20:00, I will find it yesterday UTC,

  • I need to query 2 full days of meetings to see meetings that occurred in the past hour.
  • I need to query 2 full days of meetings to get meetings that ended up to ~04:00 UTC and I will still miss meetings that lasted over 4 hours in this way.

As I do not live on UTC, this becomes inconvenient.

I would suggest filtering meetings based on the time they appeared in the report, the end_time of the meeting.
