Cannot join web meeting

When meeting is created with Web SDK, Android client cannot join the meeting

Which Mobile Video SDK version?
v1.1.1 (8665.0812)
To Reproduce(If applicable)
Start meeting using web video SDK
Try tp join/create meeting with password from Android
Got error 2014

Interestingly enough, i can start meeting with Android SDK and Web SDK client can join…

Thank you

Hi @yevgeniyk,

According to our error code documentation, 2014 indicates that there were invalid parameters. Can you provide a code snippet showing how you are joining the session, as well as the payload of your JWT (with your credentials redacted)?


code on both sides are just demo apps.

on web,
export const devConfig = {
sdkKey: ‘
sdkSecret: '
topic: ‘yktopic’,
name: YKWeb,
password: ‘12345’,
signature: ‘’,

on android app,
payload of JWT is

Thank you

For both platform SDK key and secrets are the same

Hi @yevgeniyk,

Are you sure that you are setting the sessionName to the exact same value as the tpc provided in the JWT?


@jon.zoom ,
from BaseSessionActivity

    sessionContext.sessionName = sessionName;
    sessionContext.userName = name;

    String token = Constants.TOKEN;
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(token)) {
        token = JWTUtil.createJWTAccessToken(sessionName, name);

from JwtUtil

public static String createJWTAccessToken(String topic, String userName) {

    int version = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE;
    long iat = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;

// long iat = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 - 246060;
long exp = iat + EXPIRED_TIME;

    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(apiKey) || TextUtils.isEmpty(apiSecret) || TextUtils.isEmpty(topic)) {
        return "";

    JSONObject headerObject = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject payLoadObject = new JSONObject();
    try {
        payLoadObject.put("app_key", apiKey);
        payLoadObject.put("version", version);
        payLoadObject.put("iat", iat);
        payLoadObject.put("exp", exp);

// payLoadObject.put(“tokenExp”, exp);
// payLoadObject.put(“user_identity”,userName);
payLoadObject.put(“user_identity”,“user_” + userName);
// payLoadObject.put(“user_identity”,customIdentity);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
looks like the same

Thank you

Hi @yevgeniyk,

I am not able to reproduce the behavior you are seeing in the sample app. What are the concrete values you are entering into the sample app when trying to join the session?


values are in a chain above…
do you use web->android or android->android?
Android->android works.
i will do another set of testing today
again, behavior is:
start web client: npm run start
and try to join from android
we can do remote debugging if necessary

Thank you

Hi @yevgeniyk,

Thanks for clarifying that this issue is only present when the session is start from web. We will need to investigate further to determine if this is an issue with the Web SDK/sample app or the Android SDK/sample app. I will keep you updated as soon as we have any new information.


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