Capture attendance data for panelists

Hi folks, we’re trying to solve for the following use case using zoom webinars:

  1. Ensure all our participants have their cameras on, by default. This requires us to programatically register all attendees as panelists.
  2. Capture attendance data for the above said participants. We notice that the ‘registrants’ and the ‘absentees’ APIs only return data corresponding to ‘attendee’ and not ‘panelist’.

Presently, the work-around we use is the following:

  1. Register all participants as only attendees, not panelists.
  2. Manually promote all attendees to panelists as soon as the webinar starts.
  3. This ensures that the ‘registrants’ and ‘absentees’ APIs return data corresponding to our participants.

How do we capture attendance data for panelists?

I like how responsive this community is, and would like to thank the zoom team in advance! :slight_smile:

Hi @shubham if you are requiring that all participants are panelists, can I ask if there’s a reason you are not using Meetings?

For additional context, this setting can be controlled in the Meeting Settings (participant_video in settings) and can be controlled through the Web SDK; however, this setting will always respect the end-user’s settings. If the user has set their preference to have their video off by default, the meeting will not turn their video off.

Hi Michael,

That’s a good suggestion and we are aware that zoom meeting allows for this feature. However, we’ve deeply integrated zoom webinar with our platform over the last few months, and integrating zoom meetings would cost significant engineering bandwidth.

Zoom webinar works great for all of our other use cases. Is there no way we can track attendance for panelists (even if it’s ‘hacky’)?


Hi @shubham have you confirmed that panelists are not returning on your Webinar Participant Reports? Another suggestion would be to use Participant Joined events to track join events.