In my company, we’re developing the system for an education startup that is planning to use Zoom to handle the meetings between students and tutors. Before choosing which membership is going to be used in order to start the integration with Zoom services , there are two questions related to the system requirements my team has to follow. I’d be grateful if these doubts could be resolved.
In the system a meeting length can be changed by the user. If the meeting length is 30min then a non licensed user will be the host but if it’s longer than that then a licensed user will be asigned to be the host. So the question is if using the API that can be done (exchange a meeting host from a free user to a licensed user (and back and forth)
Also , our client is planning to have 10 licensed users that are going to be assigned to tutors but if the number of concurrent meetings in a part of the day exceeds that number (10) then the backend should called the zoom api to create licensed users to satisfy the demand for more than 10 meetings at the same time… Our doubt is if a licensed user can host a new meeting just after it’s created via API . This requirement is critical for the client so we need to be 100% sure if it’s viable.
Thanks for reaching out, and good questions! Happy to help clarify:
In the system a meeting length can be changed by the user. If the meeting length is 30min then a non licensed user will be the host but if it’s longer than that then a licensed user will be asigned to be the host. So the question is if using the API that can be done (exchange a meeting host from a free user to a licensed user (and back and forth)
You can use the API to update a meeting host, but this must be done before the meeting takes place. The API is not intended for real-time updates. So, if you wish to have a meeting over 40 minutes, you will need to ensure the host for that meeting is licensed from the start. You can use the schedule_for property in the Update Meeting endpoint to update a meeting host.
Also , our client is planning to have 10 licensed users that are going to be assigned to tutors but if the number of concurrent meetings in a part of the day exceeds that number (10) then the backend should called the zoom api to create licensed users to satisfy the demand for more than 10 meetings at the same time… Our doubt is if a licensed user can host a new meeting just after it’s created via API . This requirement is critical for the client so we need to be 100% sure if it’s viable.
You can create users via API and apply licenses to those new users via API. However, you will need to ensure that you have purchased enough licenses/have enough licenses under your account, prior to applying them to a user via API. It’s not possible to purchase more licenses via API — this must be done manually via Plans & Pricing for Zoom One | Zoom.
I hope this helps to clarify, but let me know if you still have questions!