"Consent for unmute" ho god please don't ! please no ! :o :o :o

Wrote on mail : What’s New at Zoom - Week of May 18

Consent for unmute: When a meeting host has muted a participant, they can no longer unmute that person without their consent. That participant will now receive a prompt asking for consent to be unmuted.

no please don’t :frowning:

We develope a “bot” for mute and UNMUTE partecipants mic.
We spent a lot of time develop this features with Electron , with c# with api… please don’t :frowning:

We have only 4 days left for find a solution and for switch to a not-zoom system ? PLEASE DON’T !


Hmm it will definitely make way more difficult to handle our meetings too, where there’re several old people who are barely aware of 25% of what’s happening on screen :cold_sweat: They are unable to notice and give consent most of the time already and start talking while muted, no matter how many times we tell them to notice and accept the dialog :rofl:

This change seems like it’s going to be a lot of inconvenience, more than the current behaviour already is (at least in scenarios where the whole meeting is micro-managed by hosts/co-hosts and everybody who join already know). I would suggest some sort of configurable one-time consent when joining the meeting maybe, that would definitely solve the problem while still keeping the regular consent dialogs for people who really need them.



I understand thé reason or this new feature but In our meetings, we also use this mute / unmute functionality a lot.

This change complicates use because many participants do not understand their device (tablet) well

Would it then be possible to provide a pop-up, when the participants are going to enter the meeting, which gives the authorization to the host (with memorization of the authorization)?



Really?!?! - as if schooling kids from home wasn’t already hard enough right now. Zoom disabled the host unmute ability.

You do realize you have elementary schools around the world using your product. I have 3 kids in school with 20+ classmates. This new feature rollout with no ability for the client to decide to permanently consent has caused total chaos. Their classes now spend half of the time trying to have the kids unmute themselves thoughout the class. Just so you are aware this change is likely a product killer for large groups, families, and schools. I know at least our school district immediately started looking at alternatives.

Why did you roll this out without a setting for the client to permanently consent?

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the replies. As this is a system-wide change so the Zoom SDK cannot avoid the change. I totally understand your concerns. If you have any suggestions or other concerns, please submit a feedback at https://zoom.us/feed.


I agree with the all the above comments that the new “Consent to Unmute” is such a bad move and makes it impossible to run a zoom meeting with young, old , learning difficulties, sitting back from PC or iPad so unable to quickly touch/click the controls.

Please, please undo this retrograde step.

I agree, too.
I suggest we can choose ’ mute after confirm’ or ’ force to mute’.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for the replies. As this is a system-wide change so the Zoom SDK cannot avoid the change. I totally understand your concerns. If you have any suggestions or other concerns, please submit a feedback at https://zoom.us/feed .
