Create Users - Create or autoCreate custCreate or SSOCreate


We are trying to implement Zoom video conferencing for Telemedicine feature in our EHR.
I understand we have to create users to create meetings. There are 4 ways to create user.
I would like to know what is most suitable for EHR companies like us? We want to to be able to create meetings automatically and email the link to patients to join the call.

We do not want any web portal access. Its only going to be used within our EHR


Just want to add we need to use Telehealth API.

Hey @pthillai,

Do your doctors have Zoom accounts?

You can create the meetings on your doctors behalf via OAuth or JWT if they are users on your Zoom account.


No. They will not have Zoom accounts

I found this article. We can move this way for Telehealth right?

I would like to talk someone on how to integrate zoom with our EHR. There is lot of confusion for us with respect to what license to use. Is there a number to call?

Hey @pthillai,

That article is actually out of date.

Here is the current one :slight_smile:



I followed all these steps. Its now giving me

ApiKey Not Exist Or Incorrect

Error code 500

Can you please help?

Hey @pthillai,

I will assist you at your new topic:


Hi friends, we have the same problem here.
We created a JWT app and we used the API Key string in the org_id parameter of the URL, but we are receiving the same error message “Wrong API Key - ApiKey not exist or Incorrect”.
As you said before, in this field we should use OrgID and secret key here, is this correct? and where to get the OrgID value. Should we put these values together?
Best regards

Hey @patricio.martinez,

Have you read through this thread:


Hi Tommy

Thanks for your kind response

  1.   We have a paid zoom account
  2.   There is an activated JWT app, from which we retrieved API Key and Secret, called MediaCollector
  3.   I don’t know how to enable the account as HIPAA compliant. Can I do it by myself?
  4.   We requested to to enable API Cust create. They said it is done (Ojus)
  5.   We have a few licenses (corporate), but we don’t know if we need to request more?

What is missing? We are still receiving the same error message

Best regards


Hey @patricio.martinez,

Have you followed the guide here about the OrgID and JWT Secret?

Can you private message me one of your urls so I can debug?


Thanks a lot Tommy for your help

As the document you mention says:{Zoom*** API Key}&data={Encrypted Data}***

I used the Zoom API Key in that field. How can I construct the OrgId and secret? Should they be concatenated?

This is one of my URLs:

My API Key is: BmDiaSsQTL2vDSQmy0WhGg

Best regards


Hey @patricio.martinez,

I see currently you are on a free trial account. As per the instructions in the tutorial you need:


“Zoom video visits require a paid Zoom account with enough host licenses (Pro or Corp) for the providers, plus 1 additional which is used to temporarily “host” video visits when a patient joins before a provider. Refer to Zoom for Healthcare for additional licensing requirements.”


Hi Tommy

They created me another Account with this information. Please let me know if you can enable the custOption for this account

Patricio Martinez

Departamento Programador

Cargo Programador

Ubicación Programador

Account Number 253905

There is a new API KEY: AzKCOu0iTt2YSeoNo3vk2w

I tested the URL, with:

But I still receive the same error message.

Atento saludo


Hey @patricio.martinez,

The team handles custCreate requests. Can you please reach out to them requesting custCreate be turned on to test the telehealth feature?
