Emoji in ZMSDKThumbnailVideoItemView is not displayed fully and emoji freezes in the container

Hi during the meeting when other participants send the emoji it gets cut

        let thumbnailVideoView = displayVideoArray[indexPath.item]
        thumbnailVideoView.getVideoItem()!.userid = UInt32(thumbnailVideoView.userID)

Screenshot 2022-02-07 at 1.53.26 PM

Kindly let me know how can we resolve this issue.

Hi @niravd,

Can you please confirm which version of the SDK you are using?


Hi this is the SDK version v5.5.12511.0420.

Hi @niravd,

Thanks for confirming. Can you please check if you are able to reproduce this on the latest version of the SDK?


Hi I am facing the same issue in the latest SDK
Screenshot 2022-02-10 at 1.44.12 PM

also the same freeze of emoji is happening

Hi @niravd,

Apologies, but 5.7.6 is not the latest version of the SDK. The latest version is v5.9.3. Can you please try testing on that version?


Hi @jon.zoom thank you for the information, I have tested in v5.9.3. the freeze issue is solved but the emoji cut is still there in the size

let thumbnailVideoView = ZMSDKThumbnailVideoItemView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 245, height: 140), userID: userID as! UInt)

But the emoji cut is not happening in the size

let thumbnailVideoView = ZMSDKThumbnailVideoItemView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 200), userID: userID as! UInt)

screenshot attached for both the size
Screenshot 2022-02-11 at 12.49.21 PM

Hi @niravd,

Thanks for the additional information about the size of the element impacting this. We’ll investigate this and get back to you once we have any updates.


Hi @jon.zoom in the latest SDK v5.9.3 we are still facing the emoji Freeze issue, it is not consistent that emoji disappears.

Kindly let me know alternative ways to get this issue fixed

Hi @niravd,

We have identified a fix and will include it in the next SDK release at the end of this month.


Hi @jon.zoom
Thank you for the response and the resolution provided.
does this fix include solution for both the issues

  1. ZMSDKThumbnailVideoItemView is not displayed fully.
  2. Emoji Freeze

Nirav Desai

Hi @niravd,

This fix is only for the emoji being cut off. Based on your previous reply, you mentioned that the freeze issue was resolved in v5.9.3.


Hi @jon.zoom I understand that I mentioned freeze issue was resolved in v5.9.3 in the initial response but some how my initial observation was incorrect and also I mentioned in the previous response that the issue is not resolved in v5.9.3.

Kindly try and check if you are able to reproduce the same request you to let me know alternative ways to get this issue fixed.

Thank you
Nirav Desai

Hi @niravd,

Thanks for clarifying that the freezing issue does still exist on the latest version of the SDK. Does this issue only exist with the smaller frame size, or is it present regardless of size? Are there any additional considerations to be aware of when reproducing this?


HI @jon.zoom Thank you for your reply, the freezing issue happens throughtout all the sizes and there are no additional conditions

Our current use case is
In a meeting the host who logged in from zoom application sends emoji, and participants who has joined the meeting from the custom ui application can only see the emoji shared by the host.

Here for all the screen sizes the freeze issue is reproducible.

Thank you,
Nirav Desai

Hi @niravd,

Thanks for confirming. After some testing, it looks like this issue should be resolved as well in the next SDK release.


Hi @jon.zoom
Thank you for the information. Kindly can you tell me by when can we expect the new SDK release?


Hi @niravd,

The release should be available within the next couple of days.


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