Error 1005 Using sso Create with API

I was testing creating new users to our Enterprise account (type 2) and they were successfully created. I then deleted them using the API as well. I’m testing again and it says the emails are in use but when I try to use SSO from a desktop to log into Zoom, I get an error.

Error Code: 1005
Email $email has already been used.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Using JWT

Which Endpoint/s?
Our domain:

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Request URL / Headers (without credentials) / Body
  2. See error

Screenshots (If applicable)
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hey @lpeterson,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I’m happy to look into this for you. There are just a few more details that would be helpful. I noticed that each of these users belong to a different account, were you creating separate accounts for these users, or is that unintentional? Additionally, if you could share the full request and response when you run into the error that would be quite helpful.


Hi Max,
I checked under our User Management portal and those accounts are not listed. Is there any way you can check if they are being used for another account in Zoom? I am concerned they have been hijacked by someone else to use. The users should belong to Gibsondunn but are you seeing them under a different account?

Here’s the request that I was using created in PowerShell to add each account:
$email = “

$body = @{
action = “ssoCreate”
user_info = @{
email = “$email”
type = “2”
} | ConvertTo-Json

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri -Body $body -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Method Post

Then here is what I used to delete them:
$User = “

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri$User -Headers $headers -ContentType ‘application/json’ -Method DELETE

I have another question for you too. I am having to create the REST request using PeopleSoft. For the above request, what would be the straight HTTP string to use? I couldn’t find that using the API examples. I would be passing JSON format with a JWT token.

Thank you!

Hi Max,
Can I get an update on this today?
Thanks so much,

Hey @lpeterson,

Thank you for providing additional information. Just to be clear, we don’t think that anything malicious is going on here. It seems that there may have been an issue when the users were deleted which might be causing some of the confusion. I’ve since reached out to our engineering team for insight into what’s going on here. As soon as I hear back from them I’ll be sure to update you. (ZOOM-228885)

In regard to your latest question, I just want to clarify what you’re looking for. Do you mean that you would like a URL that you can use to accomplish these API calls? If so, in most cases this would only be possible if the endpoint supported a GET request method as you can include the query parameters in the URL.

We have most of our API documented as a testable Postman Collection which can be a good tool for testing these endpoints.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Max,
Thank you for confirming the deletion issue. I just created/deleted another account using PowerShell for a test user (email: Please let me know if they notice anything odd there with the deletion as well.
Regarding my second question, I’m just having difficulties trying to POST the Json object from PeopleSoft to Zoom. So I’ll continue to work on this. I’ve searched the forum to see if anyone else has done this but no luck.
I look forward to hearing from you re the deletion issue.

Hey @lpeterson,

Thank you for the update. I heard back from our internal team and then indicated that these users were disassociated from the account they were created on. They recommend navigating to the Operation Logs in order to check the operation logs to see who disassociated the users at what time.

Regarding my second question, I’m just having difficulties trying to POST the Json object from PeopleSoft to Zoom.

What issues are you having? Are you seeing any errors returned? Please provide the endpoint and request body that you’re using and I’ll help you to troubleshoot the issue.


Hi Max,
That’s correct, I disassociated them in my testing when working with the API. I checked the log to verify this. However, why are they considered still in use? Is that because it says “Disassociate” versus “Delete”? I used the API’s Delete method to test deleting a user. Is there another way that this is supposed to be done?

Thanks for offering help on my second issue. I will follow up as soon as I can get the communication working between PeopleSoft and Zoom. It’s not as straight forward as other applications.

Hey @lpeterson,

Thank you for the update. Something I just learned myself, which seems to be the source of confusion here, is that when calling the Delete User API the action parameter defaults to disassociate so when you’re making these API requests, make sure that you are setting action to delete in order to completely delete the user. Otherwise, the email will still be in use it is just not associated with any account.

I hope that helps!


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Hi Max,
Thanks so much, that is very good to know and duly noted!
I appreciate the follow up. I’m still working on this interface in PeopleSoft, but if I come across some questions related to that where you might be able to help me troubleshoot, I will contact you again.
Thanks again!


Hey @lpeterson,

I’m glad to hear that resolved your issues! If you encounter any further issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


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