Expired scheduled meeting, insuficient information provided


According to this page from help center

  • A scheduled, non-recurring meeting ID (also known as a one-time meeting ID) will expire 30 days after the scheduled date if the meeting is not recorded. If you restart the same meeting ID within the 30 days, it will remain valid for another 30 days.

Case 1:

What is a day for zoom in regard to expiration on Meetings and Webinars?
If a meeting is scheduled to 2024-01-01 at 09:00 am will it expire at 2024-01-31 at 09:00 am or 2024-01-30 at 09:00 am ?

Case 2:

If I create a meeting schedule for Aug/1 and without ever starting it, I reschedule it to Aug/10 , will its expiration day be 30 days from Aug/10 too?

Case 3:

We noticed that zoom has a time before expiring a meeting that is closed, probably to allow users to start again and rejoin in case of crashes.
How long is that timeout period?

Thank you for your time.

Hey @hurast ,

The latter.


Not sure, but I’ll see if I can get that info from service engineering. By meeting that is closed, do you mean a meeting that has been ended by a host?

Thanks for the answers @gianni.zoom !

Yes. On case 3, by “meeting that is closed” I mean, a meeting that was properly ended by the host.

And if I might add, another case:
Case 4:
I create a meeting scheduled to Oct/1/2024. Meeting type 2.
Today is Jan/1/2024 and I decide to test the room. And I join the meeting with a host and a test participant.
Will it still expire on Oct/31/2024 or in Jan/31/2024?

Hi @hurast , it will expire 30 days after the scheduled meeting date :slight_smile:

Thank you @gianni.zoom .

Did you get anything from the service engineering regarding the timeout for a scheduled meeting or webinar expiration?

Thank you for your time.

Hi @hurast ,

Can you share more context on how to reproduce and how it is expiring? The meeting id expires 30 days after the meeting ends.

In terms of rejoining and ended meeting, if your settings allow for participants to join before host and someone tries to join during the scheduled time (despite a meeting being ended prior to the scheduled end time by a host), the participant will be able to attempt join.

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