Getting code 1001 and User does not exist while calling meeting /v2 api

I have create a user with api and user created successfuly.
But on time of creating meeting getting
“code”: 1001,
“message”: “User does not exist: PnulRB2aQxKJjid6ZoSYOA.”

error . please suggest what can i do.

create meeting api url:******/meetings

create meeting api request:

{“topic”: “Test topic here”,
“type”: 1,
“duration”: 20,
“agenda”: “To test zoom api”,
“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“cn_meeting”: false,
“in_meeting”: true,
“join_before_host”: true,
“mute_upon_entry”: true,
“watermark”: false,
“use_pmi”: false,
“approval_type”: 0,
“registration_type”: 1,
“audio”: “voip”,
“auto_recording”: “local”,
“enforce_login”: false,
“registrants_email_notification”: false

Hey @pawan.sahu,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Please confirm that the user has accepted the invitation and is no longer pending.


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