How do I create a pending user as an active user via Zoom API?

0. Situation
Region : South Korea
Main Account Plan : Zoom WorkplaceBusiness
Sub Users Plan : Pro, Basic …

I’m trying to create a user via Zoom user API.
Users who are already joined to the same email before creation go on pending
I want to automatically consolidate user account when I create it

  1. problem
    I try all parameters of “plan_united_type”, but “code”: 2034 responds

  2. create user
    => image
    Request Body

              "action": "ssoCreate",
              "user_info": {
                  "email": "",
                  "first_name": "Seongil",
                  "last_name": "Yoon",
                  "display_name": "Seongil-Yoon",
                  "type": 2
                  //, "plan_united_type": "8"
  1. alternative
    Is there an API where I can get a request approval URL for Zoom account invitation mail?
    As an alternative, I would like to inform the user of that URL again


Hi there! @tigerdev203 thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you been able to troubleshoot this on your end?

No, I tried using the API provided, but the developer couldn’t solve it

Sorry for the late reply here! @tigerdev203
I do not think you can get that URL via API