Invalid-redirect-4700-error-when-oauth-flow - Workday /zoom web conference

We are currently implementing a web conference integration with Workday.

When we are signing in and scheduling a meeting within Workday we are being redirected to a error message.

We are receiving a invalid client_id:[MY_CLIENT_ID] (4702)

App Client ID:23KRn4kjTdyX61RhO1pEJw
The authorization URL : Error - Zoom
Email or user you’ve tested with : all user affected

We populated the endpoint using Error - Zoom

Would you be able to provided an example of the redirect URL that should be used in the marketplace zoom us portal?

Is there a authroize url that we should be using instead?

Hi @javier.arcovedo
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community!
Are you still experiencing this issue ?