Issue creating a zoom app

I’m working on a Zoom app in the marketplace and can only find the option for a User-managed app, not an account-level one. Could you please guide me on creating an account-level app?

Additionally, I’ve tested permission scopes like meeting:read in my user-managed app. Will these work them same for an account-level app with the same permissions and endpoints? I conducted tests in a user-managed app due to issues creating an account-level one, but I want to ensure consistency for our production app which is an account-level app.

Hello @eng

Can you share a screenshot of the app creation page? You should be able to select the option for the Admin-managed (account level scopes) app.


Thank you Yoon, but I dont see the option on mine.

Somehow I keep getting error you can’t embed media items in a post, here is a link to the screenshot:

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