We have been successfully creating Zoom meeting url’s from our c# code to schedule meetings with providers and patients(so far). But recently, there are issues creating a meeting URL. Here’s what we do:
Post to API Url: https://api.zoom.us/v1/user/custcreate
with these params+values:
{api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&api_secret=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&data_type=JSON&email=provider@xxxtelehealth.com&type=1&webinar_capacity=500&large_capacity=100&first_name=Robbie&last_name=Smith&dept=Emergency Appt}
Here’s the response we get:
“{“error”:{“code”:1005,“message”:“This user already exists in the account:.provider@xxxtelehealth.com”}}”
This works if its a new provider email, but problem persists if we try creating meeting uRL for an existing provider email. Creating Zoom meetings is an important part of our application, appreciate your prompt response.
End of Life for ALL V1 APIs — In April 26, 2020, Zoom is terminating the V1 API FOREVER! If you are using ANY Zoom APIs that DO NOT have “/v2” in the path, then you are using V1 APIs, and in April 26, 2020 these will no longer work. You MUST migrate your V1 API code to use the V2 API NOW to prevent any potential business disruption or loss of data.