List Users is only returning 10 out of more than 100 users

When I run the List Users from the Zoom GraphQL collection, I am not getting any errors and am receiving a response that has all of the correct information for 10 users. Our organization has a lot more than that though. The reason I need to do this is to get a list of all of the users, search for one of them by their email, grab the ID from the matching one, then delete the user. The first part of that is not working since I am not getting a true list of all of our users.

Hi @jakers,

To retrieve more than the default number of users, you can modify your query to specify a larger number. Here’s how you can adjust it to return 100 users:

  users(first:100) {
    edges {
      node {

In this query, users(first:100) requests the first 100 users. The edges array will contain nodes for each user, including their firstName, lastName, and email. Make sure to use this structure in your query to get the desired results.

Where would that be in the original request?

This is how your request would look like:

“query”: “{ users(first:100) { edges { node { firstName lastName email } } } }”

Thank you. That worked.

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