Marketplace API - List Apps Getting empty result set

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)
Zoom Marketplace API List App

*Objective: I want to fetch all apps registered with my account. For example I am using Google Meetings app with zoom *

I tried with bellow endpoint

" curl --location --request GET ‘
–header 'Authorization: Bearer accesstoken
–header ‘Cookie: ***’
–data-raw ‘’"

Response :

“next_page_token”: “”,
“page_size”: 30

As per documentation I tried passing the query param “type”
Allowed: active_requests (default)┃ past_requests ┃ public ┃ account_created

when passed account_created - it only returns the apps created in this account.
when passed public - it returns all third party app available

Getting empty result. Not able to fetch the list of only registered third party apps