Meeting Name on BookingResultInfo Control System API

When I Request upcoming meetings list from CLI zCommand “zCommand Bookings List” it give me the following response:

*r BookingsListResult (status=OK):
*r BookingsListResult resultInfo TotalRows: 2
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingName: Guillermo Hernandez
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingNumber: 6225245297
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 startTime: 2019-01-04T01:50:32Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 endTime: 2019-01-04T01:59:32Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorEmail:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorName: Guillermo Hernandez
** end

When I create the zoom meeting thru Outlook Calendar I change the title to something else like (Test Meeting).

I don’t get that title instead I get my name on the meetingName tag in the response.

So my question is how can I get that tittle instead of my name or organizers name.



Hi @ghernandez,

We have reached out to our Zoom Room Engineers for your query, and we will update you as soon as we hear back from them. For your reference, the ID for this request within our system is ZOOM-115260

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Hello, any update on this?

Hey @ghernandez,

Question, did you originally create the meeting with the title “Guillermo Hernandez”, then try to change it in outlook?

Possibly related,


No, I create the meeting thru outlook or CLI with a custom Topic lets say “New Zoom Meeting”. Then When I request the booking list this is the response it give me

*r BookingsListResult (status=OK):
*r BookingsListResult resultInfo TotalRows: 2
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingName: Guillermo Hernandez
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 meetingNumber: 6225245297
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 hostName:
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 startTime: 2019-01-04T01:50:32Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 endTime: 2019-01-04T01:59:32Z
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorEmail: [email…)
*r BookingsListResult Meeting 1 creatorName: Guillermo Hernandez
** end

SO on the Meeting Name of the response I think it should be “New Zoom Meeting” not my name

PD: I can’t use REST API, I’m using ZR-CSAPI.


Thank you, I see now.

We are looking into this and will post back here with updates. ZOOM-115260


hey @tommy I found out why…
On CLI Level commands you guys didn’t code the permissions part as you did on REST API and SDKs.
So to be able to see the subject/topic of the meeting you need to go to your room setup in O365 and thru Powershell and then edit and set the parameters : AddOrganizertoSubject = false and DeleteSubject = false.

Not everybody know this nor have the capacity to search for it. So I’d like to propose for the future that the same requests you do for calendars in REST API do it in CLI Commands to.


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Hey @ghernandez,

Thanks for sharing, I see the issue.

We are coming out with new and improved Zoom Rooms API’s soon which should solve this issue. Timeline: Q4/Q1 2020.

Keep an eye on our change log.
