Meeting/Webinar Participant Emails


I am getting Meeting and Webinar participants using the APIs provided. It is working fine however i cannot see participants’ emails on the response. I am aware that there are specific rules for emails to appear. So we turned on authentication and made sure guests authenticate before joining and also I tried adding the to the Zoom calendar invite. Neither of these worked. Still getting blank for emails. (I also copied the related exception rules below) I would appreciate it if somebody can explain why these did not work or if there is something else missing.


  • If the participant is on the calendar invitation or event using one of Zoom’s calendar integrations (Outlook or Google Calendar)
  • If the participant has externally authenticated using an authentication system provided by the host

Hi @engagement ,

Please see info on our user display rules:


thanks for this. However, as i mentoned, i am aware of the email display rules and i already made sure that 2 if exception rules apply by forcing authentication and putting them in calendar invites. Still cannot see the emails

Hi @engagement were you successful with this? When you created the meeting, what were the conditions? (i.e. did you require authentication at point of creation?)

i have tried using zoom outlook plugin and gave zoom access to my outlook calender. still i am not able to get participant email

Hi @sanjay.chintala , plug ins do not determine participant email access via API. Please see below for email display rules:

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