New zoom sdk 1.7.0 issue, call drop

Hello Team,

We have integrated the new zoom web SDK to use zoom meeting feature on our website.
After joining the meeting after few minutes we got an error "TypeError: u is null’ and meeting get disconnected.
I am sharing a screenshot of web console. Please check that also.

Please check,

Hi @kshitij.s,

Thanks for bringing this up. This could be a network issue. Would you be able to provide the meeting ID that you used? Has this only happened once or multiple times?


Hello @michael_p.zoom

Here is the meeting Id : 508232972

It happens always.
We are using the latest zoom web client code(1.7) with CDN version
Please check,


Hey @kshitij.s,

We are working on reproducing the issue with the code you provided and will post back here with updates.

Thanks for your patience,

whether you user iframe?
and what’s your browser version, we want to reproduce your error

Hello @JackYang

  1. We are not using iframe for zoom.
  2. We are using the latest firefox(70.0.1 (64-bit)) on ubuntu 16.04

Related to issue
To reproduce error. Please join a meeting and there for between 2-10 minutes. After some time you will notice meeting disconnect automatically with the error as i given in past screenshots.


Hey @kshitij.s,

I was not able to reproduce the issue. Are you trying to “Join with Computer Audio” in firefox? If so it is unsupported in Firefox:

I would suggest using Chrome as it has the most support.


Hello @tommy

I am getting this issue in chrome as well.
Please setup the code I have given sent you directly to private message and check the instructions i given above.


Hey @kshitij.s,

Thanks, we are looking into the error. JIRA: DEVELOPERS-577

Can you confirm you are using a secure https server to host your application? Is this only happening in your dev environment, (localhost) or on a production live server? If happening on a live server, please share the live server url and steps to reproduce so we can debug the issue.


Hello @Tommy,

Yes we are using Https at our end.
Here is the URL our application running on :
And it is on live server. You can setup the code which i have given in personal message.
I have given steps above to reproduce.


Hey @kshitij.s,

I have tested on Ubuntu (Firefox and chromium) and ran into issues of the Web SDK freezing. I could not see the console to verify the error since it was freezing. We are still working on diagnosing the issue. In the meantime please try using a different device other than Ubuntu.


Hello @tommy

As we are using the 1.7.0 cdn version on our app there is no freeze issue we are getting at the moment,
If you can check the only issue we are having is the call disconnect. on user interface it show “trying to reconnect” and then call get disconnect and redirect the user to “leaveUrl” parameter value( A URL value ).


Hello @tommy

Any update over the call drop issue :frowning:
We are facing it continuously. Please help.


Hey @kshitij.s,

We have tried to reproduce the error on Ubuntu and firefox, but do not see the error.

What are your hardware specs such as cpu, ram & hard drive space?


Hello @tommy

This is the hardware info :

RAM : 8 GB
Processor : Intel® Core™ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz × 4
OS Type : 64-bit
Space : 169.0 GB


Thanks for providing this @kshitij.s!

We are investigating further, and will get back to you!


Hello @tommy

Here are the server specs :

CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz 8 cores.
RAM: 15GB, 8GB swap
Hard disk space : more then 200 GB

We are working on automatic call disconnect issue( in some menutes ).

Please check,

Hey @kshitij.s,

Thank you, we are checking!


Thanks @tommy

Please let me know if there is any update related to our issue.


Hey @kshitij.s,

It looks like the error occurs when connecting to the rwg server. We believe this to be a network issue, and are continuing to look into it further.
