Publish an OAuth Application multiples account per user issue

Hi Team, So my team is trying to create an OAuth app that allow our customers to grant their Zoom accounts with our services, it’s multiple accounts per customer.
Then we created multiple meetings through these accounts to work with multiple end users.
We used JWT before, but this takes time to set it up and kinda hard for most of people
So we switched to OAuth and realise it needs to be published in order to be used by our customers.

There are 2 problems here

  • We need customers to login then grant access through a specific function.
  • We connect multiple accounts per customer.

Since the development will take time, we need to ensure if our app can be published with the issues I mentioned above. Sorry for the ambiguous title, and my bad english.

Thank you.

Hey @nhtienptit,

Thanks for reaching out about this, and good question.

At this time, you’re correct in that in order to share your integration outside of your account, this will require OAuth and you will need to publish your app publicly following our App Submission process. It’s not currently possible to share an integration or app outside of your own Zoom account without publishing your app publicly.

If you have proprietary software that is limited in access as part of your integration, users will need to be able to access this as part of the app’s functionality, as will our review team when they carry out a functional review.

If it’s not possible for you to grant access to users to all parts of your app, as an alternative you might consider keeping your app/integration private, and adding users to your own Zoom account in order for them to be able to utilize your integration.

I hope this helps to clarify!


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