(re-opening) sendChatToGroup returns SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION even if MeetingAttendeeChatPrivilege is set to everyone publicly and privately

I am reopening this issue, following up the @chunsiong.zoom request about the sdk log files :

I was able to collect the requested Zoom SDK log files and I am still looking for a solution.

I am experimenting an issue sending message via chat using Meeting SDK. Some users are unable to send chat messages. It happens sporadically and I have not yet find a clear way to replicate the issue.

I am using the following Meeting SDK call for sending the messages:

MobileRTCSDKError sendResult = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().sendChatToGroup(MobileRTCChatGroup_All, "Message");

The call continuously returns SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION

The strange thing is that right after the error occurrence I checked the attendee chat permission using

InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge meetingChatPriviledge  = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().getMeetingAttendeeChatPrivilege();

and it tells me that the permission is set to “Everyone_Publicly_And_Privately”

So it does not look as a chat permission issue.

Unfortunately it is happening intermittently and I was not able to replicate this issue on a debug environment but only on the field with the released app.

Is Everyone_Publicly_And_Privately the correct permission setting?
Can you clarify in which cases the SDK can return SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION?
How can I check if the user has the right permissions to send chat messages?
How can I debug this type of problem?
Is there anything else I can check to investigate this issue?

This is my code:

            MobileRTCSDKError sendResult = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().sendChatToGroup(MobileRTCChatGroup_All,  msg);
            if (sendResult != MobileRTCSDKError.SDKERR_SUCCESS) {
                Timber.tag(TAG).e("Error sending MESSAGE chat message %s", sendResult.toString());
                InMeetingChatController.MobileRTCMeetingChatPriviledge meetingChatPriviledge  = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().getMeetingAttendeeChatPrivilege();
                switch (meetingChatPriviledge) {
                    case Invalid:
                        Timber.tag(TAG).i("MeetingChatPriviledge: invalid");
                    case No_One:
                        Timber.tag(TAG).i("MeetingChatPriviledge: no one");
                    case Host_Only:
                        Timber.tag(TAG).i("MeetingChatPriviledge: host only");
                    case Everyone_Publicly_And_Privately:
                        Timber.tag(TAG).i("MeetingChatPriviledge: everyone publicly and privately");
                    case Everyone_Publicly:
                        Timber.tag(TAG).i("MeetingChatPriviledge: everyone publicly");

This is my app log content:

2023-09-30 11:45:00.368 +0200 CEST Error sending MESSAGE chat message SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION
2023-09-30 11:45:00.369 +0200 CEST MeetingChatPriviledge: everyone publicly and privately

Zoom SDK log files

I saw this issue since Zoom Meeting SDK v5.9.3.4273 up to v5.13.10.12577
(current Zoom SDK log files are related to Zoom SDK v5.13.5.11583 )
I was not yet able to verify if the problem is present with the latest SDK version due to my app release calendar.

Device: Galaxy Tab A7 (gta4lwifi) (SM-T500)
OS: Android 11


Any news on this issue?

I’m upgrading to the latest SDK version and would like to know if there’s anything I can do to prevent or properly investigate this issue.

@criva I’ve raised a ticket for this ZSEE-110462

Nonetheless, I just took a look at the documentation. It appears that this method is already deprecated.

Could you try to update the app to use sendChatMsgTo ?

Thank you for the feedback

I’ve just switched from the deprecated method sendChatToGroup to sendChatMsgTo.


MobileRTCSDKError sendResult = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().sendChatToGroup(MobileRTCChatGroup_All,  msg);


MobileRTCSDKError sendResult = inMeetingService.getInMeetingChatController().sendChatMsgTo(chatMessageBuilder.build());

and in my debug environment the message broadcast works as expected.

Unfortunately I cannot release this version of the app for at least 3 weeks so I am not sure if it really resolves the issue.

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