[Resolved with 1.7.4+] Web SDK / Web Client from browser: 403 Forbidden

Hi everyone,

The Web SDK is now operational, we’ve released Web SDK version 1.7.4. Please see the thread below for more details.


are you sure is now operational?
fresh clone websdk 1.7.4
cd Local
npm i
npm run start (i remove --open flag otherwise the build failed)
Launch an instant meeting from zoom client
In browser put the meeting number and try to join
In the client click on admit new participant
then in browser the meeting page showing about 3sec
and then the modal box with message
Your connection has timed out and you cannot join the meeting. Verify your network connectivity and try again.
So what?
No happy code but quite frustrating since 03 april

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@franckysolo same issue for me. Appreciate Zoom effort (it must be like hell right now!) but it seems that the new sampleapp is not fully functional yet.

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@gabriele.limonta yes you’re right but there’s lot of many people who paid for a service, developers who have deadlines, and it’s hell for zoom customers too!

Well, it seems to work for me, but i have a problem with it wich i didnt have before.

Now, if theres noone on the meeting, when trying to join via the sdk, i get the messaging saying that the meeting have not started yet, even if joining before the owner is alowed.

If i join by the meeting link on the web, or the other apps and then i try to join from my sdk implementation, it joins without problem.

I’ve made it works by adding a field meeting_email in index.html and the meeting_email value to meetConfig

document.getElementById('join_meeting').addEventListener('click', (e) => {

    const meetConfig = {
        apiKey: API_KEY,
        apiSecret: API_SECRET,
        meetingNumber: parseInt(document.getElementById('meeting_number').value, 10),
        userName: document.getElementById('display_name').value,
        userEmail: document.getElementById('meeting_email').value,
        passWord: document.getElementById('meeting_pwd').value,
        leaveUrl: 'https://zoom.us',
        role: parseInt(document.getElementById('meeting_role').value, 10)

        meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
        apiKey: meetConfig.apiKey,
        apiSecret: meetConfig.apiSecret,
        role: meetConfig.role,
        success(res) {
            console.log('signature', res.result);
                leaveUrl: '',
                success() {
                            meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
                            userName: meetConfig.userName,
                            userEmail: meetConfig.userEmail,
                            signature: res.result,
                            apiKey: meetConfig.apiKey,
                            passWord: meetConfig.passWord,
                            success() {
                                console.log('join meeting success');
                            error(res) {
                error(res) {

But i’m not sure if it really fix it!
Maybe could have staff infos!

I got it work after creating new conference, old ID’s are not worked.

Hi @franckysolo, Yes, please make sure that the meeting IDs exist, or you could create a new one to test out.

When we try to start a meeting using WebSDK 1.7.4, we get an error in the console
errorCode: 403
errorMessage: “The service is temporarily”
method: “join”
result: null
status: false

Hi Michael,
thanks for your team works and for reply
i try with my instant meeting number, with my simple account just for development
so yes the meeting id exist
With the simple account i can’t modify instant meeting number
i will try to create another one to test it
and told to you

I have account, that worked with 1.7.2 and after update nothing work.

Last response from server brings message
/**/localJsonpCallback({"status":false,"errorCode":-1,"errorMessage":"Unknown error.","result":null});

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Hi @ttodorov,

I’ll DM you a meeting ID to try out. It could be either invalid meeting ID, password or email variable config issue.

try to create new conference, and don’t leave any variable blank

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@michael_p.zoom yes please.

With provided ID all is working correctly. But with generated ID manually by REST SDK is not good. May be some options are required or some are exceed.

i create a new meeting in zoom account with a fresh new meeting ID
but it’s same behavior you could only connect with
meeting Id and email
if you don’t put email who belongs to zoom account you cannot connect
Can you precise if:

  1. An email is required to connect with websdk
  2. The participant to meeting must have a zoom account

And maybe update sample-web-app and docs

Also one more details, I have created meeting by Rest API V1 protocol, but have got correct created meeting.
I have created meeting with password, because i have not found option to create meeting without password, if i do not send password, it creates automatically, random.

To generated meeting i can connect by Windows-Client

I have used email, that was registered in account before, through REST API, and this email do not impact on result.

I managed to make it work only if I remove the password. If I have the meeting with password as soon as I join the meeting as attendee with the webapp I get kicked out and re-directed to Zoom homepage

Although it sounds like there are still some issues, I can confirm that updating to 1.7.4 things seem to basically work for me now.

This may be pedantic but it’s not really accurate that no code change is required given that the version numbers have changed – even if using the CDN, a code change is required to update the URLs. Please consider providing script and style URLs in the future that symlink to the latest version without a URL change, at least for a particular major/minor version combination. Distinct URLs for each version don’t do much good if you’re going to break the old versions anyway. Given that it seems bugs are being reported, I’m a bit gun-shy to deploy this and then have another breaking change released to fix some of these problems.

I am facing the same issue. Did you figure out a way to resolve the issue?