We have built a python service that connects to the ZVA API to automatically download engagement data for our support team. The Server-To-Server type app does not have the ZVA scope available, so we had to make the app a User Authenticated app. Because of this our service has to refresh the access token every time it runs (since they’re only good for 1 hr), and store the new refresh token for the next time. This is not ideal as the service we built is really just a Server-To-Server type of service since it runs automatically on a cronjob.
I’m requesting for Zoom to add the ZVA API scope to the Server-To-Server app so that we don’t have to constantly refresh our access tokens every time we run the service. We should just be able to be granted an access token, store it in our secure store, and use that token each time the service runs to download engagment data.
Hey @jeff.ricards, welcome.
You may want to check if the user who created the server to server app has the role permission to view/edit ZVA data.
On my account, I see Zoom Virtual Agent scopes available:
This user who created the server to server app is the admin on the account, so they have all available role permissions.
My expectation is if you add the role permission needed for Zoom Virtual Agent (or possibly Contact Center), this would appear in your app. I can’t immediately see what the needed role permission is, let me check. I can also check your app & account specifically if helpful.
@jeff.ricards, I see your user role has many but not all role permissions on the account, including Dashboard > Contact Center. This role allows you to view usage statistics of Contact Center for the account.
I believe, based on your permissions, you should be able to add this permission to your own role.
Thanks for replying. It looks like the scopes were added to the Server-To-Server app now. I was able to convert our service to use the Server-To-Server app. Authentication is much less complicated now