Server-to-Server OAuth: Chat Event Notififcations

I would like to create an app that allows a server application to write to zoom users from my company and receive messages written to by the users.

I have chosen a “Server-to-Server OAuth” app for this purpose. Sending messages to users is no problem.

However, I can’t find any notifications for normal chat messages? Neither via webhook nor via websocket.

I can’t check the API “chat/users/me/sessions” every few seconds to see if I have received new messages?

As I have just discovered, polling “chat/users/me/sessions” is also not possible, as the sessions are only visible when they are active, i.e. my user for the server service has logged into the WebApp.

Hi @wellnitz
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you taken a look at our chat_message.sent event?